Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

For many Americans across the nation Thanksgiving is a time in which the family comes together over a wide variety of rich and flavorful foods to be one and give thanks for their many blessings. It is a special time of the year in which friends and family, most of which often do not come together in such large numbers during any other time in the year, reach out to each other, share thanks and just kick it for good ole time sakes. When I think of Thanksgiving I get the image of a family in a big house, kids running around, the aroma of all types of delicious foods in the air, the men in the living room watching the game and having drinks and the ladies in the dining room sippin drinks and talking bout the kids and the food....its the onset of a very nostalgic time of the year, a period in which many lasting memories can be made. 

However, as America has faced many changes over the last eight years, this holiday season may very well be a very tough, sad, and challenging one. It is no surprise that many American families haev lost homes, jobs, and savings. The economic depression has been devastating for many of us across America. Its something that we are constantly being reminded of in the media and it seems like the country will need a miracle to rebound from such a depression. In all of these things I wish to encourage us as a people, to learn to be a little be more interdependent, share, and care more for our neighbors. Take responsibility for your neighbor. Invite a friend who you know has no local family to share the holidays with, feed a homeless person even if you just bring them out  a plate of food...but if we take positive approaches to "these difficult times" we can reach out to and make a impact on the lives of those who suffer most during a time of year when people should be joyous instead of depressed and hopeless. Much love, blessings and health to everyone during this holiday season!

Be Blessed 

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