Tuesday, January 27, 2009

still one of my favorite webpages to enjoy on a boring day

Safe Now


will ferrell is hilarious

got a chance to check out will ferrell's new broadway show, 'you're welcome america. a final night with george w bush', on sunday. comedy gold i tell you. if you thought ferrell's portrayal of our now former commander-in-chief on snl was hilarious, be prepared to see him take this shtick to new heights.

the show is a completely and totally irreverent retrospective of bush's political career, focusing mainly on his 8 years as leader of the free world. the show is funny as all get out (what does that even mean? really. but i've always wanted to use that phrase and now i have. deal with it.) and manages to entertain with very little use of over the top gags that are present in much of ferrell's recent projects. not that there aren't some moments that make your eyes widen a bit, but they are used selectively and thus, with strikingly funny results.

i won't say anymore because every single second of this show needs to be seen to feel its' full effect. bottom line is, go see it. today. tomorrow. soon.

Friday, January 23, 2009

peanut butter jelly

peanut butter jelly peanut butter jelly with a baseball bat

think about it

Thursday, January 22, 2009

celebrity presidential pledge

hi barack

mr. obama,

congratulations on your succesful inauguration. it was a kick-ass ceremony. we pretty much got no work done in my office on tuesday because we were watching you via internet. it was definitely a beautiful moment for you, your family, and for the united states of america and i was overjoyed to witness it.

day 1 has come and gone, and you've already tackled guantanamo and political ethics issues, among other things. you're going to rock. it's not going to be easy, but you are going to go down as one of the great ones. you will not fail and we will not fail you. it's too important. you are too important. we look to you now, but you remind us to look within ourselves to find the solutions to our problems. you remind us that we are the ones who must take control of our destiny and make our country and the world the place, not that it once was, but as we've always believed it should be. united, equal, just.

so when you are tired and it seems as if there is no more hope to be had, turn to us. turn to your people and we will stand beside you and help usher this great nation out of a lifetime of dreams and into a new reality.

we got this barack.

Friday, January 16, 2009

happy new year...

so i'm a little over two weeks late, but i mean it all the same. 2009 is here and i'm back in full blogging form. my apologies for the brief absence, but the life of a BuzyGuy is..umm...busy?

so for the new year, i just wanted to remind people that if you're in a relationship and something doesn't feel quite right, leave. because people do stupid things.

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just saying. whether a person shows signs of crazy or not. if it aint working, leave it alone.