Thursday, January 22, 2009

hi barack

mr. obama,

congratulations on your succesful inauguration. it was a kick-ass ceremony. we pretty much got no work done in my office on tuesday because we were watching you via internet. it was definitely a beautiful moment for you, your family, and for the united states of america and i was overjoyed to witness it.

day 1 has come and gone, and you've already tackled guantanamo and political ethics issues, among other things. you're going to rock. it's not going to be easy, but you are going to go down as one of the great ones. you will not fail and we will not fail you. it's too important. you are too important. we look to you now, but you remind us to look within ourselves to find the solutions to our problems. you remind us that we are the ones who must take control of our destiny and make our country and the world the place, not that it once was, but as we've always believed it should be. united, equal, just.

so when you are tired and it seems as if there is no more hope to be had, turn to us. turn to your people and we will stand beside you and help usher this great nation out of a lifetime of dreams and into a new reality.

we got this barack.