Monday, December 1, 2008

World Aids Day 2008

Every December 1st of each year is World Aids day. Unfortunately HIV, the virus that causes AIDS has reached pandemic proportions and is destroying lives more and more each year across the globe. Specifically, in the United States 90% of all newly diagnosed HIV cases are African-American women or women of color. There is much we can do, of the many things we can do is educate ourselves about what HIV is, learn to de-stigmatize HIV patients because HIV does not discriminate age, race, color, or sexual orientation and most importantly of them all, GET TESTED. Many people living with HIV do so for almost a year without knowing that they are infected and in the process infect many other people. Please take a moment to reflect on the fact that some of our friends, loved ones, co-workers or others we know and love may be living with this disease. Let us all decide to encourage others to be tested and to educate themselves about this disease. If you have never been tested for HIV, do yourself and the world at large a huge favor and go get tested. Test results can be kept confidential and the testing is fast and often does not require blood. 

Be Blessed 

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