Wednesday, October 8, 2008

mccain vs. obama part 2

now i'm not an overly political individual, but i do feel it is incredibly important to perform our civil duties responsibly. i also feel it is imperative to keep myself informed on issues that i deem relevant to my life. so even though i know for a fact i am voting for barack obama, i thought that i should pay our political system the respect it deserves (not that it deserves much respect) and watch at least one of the presidential debates.

i'm going to be honest, i didn't really care to listen to what either candidate said about the issues. they have both proven to be long-winded and not entirely honest or forthcoming on the issues. and i don't blame them. in today's society where every word can become a sound bite and every move is over-scrutinized, it is better for a candidate to fill his/her public appearances with plenty of glad handing, empty rhetoric, and loosely constructed half-truths. i've tried my best to investigate the facts to become as informed as i can be on the issues i care about and feel i am sufficiently taken care of in that department.

the one thing i took away from the debate was that i hate john mccain. not exactly an original thought these days, i know. and it's not as if i've ever had a strong affinity to him. but last night i saw something completely different in john mccain. maybe it's because i never paid much attention to him to begin with, but i never realized dude was such an agitating smartass.

from referring to a senator of the united states as "that one" to telling a young african-american man of about college age that he'd probably never heard of fannie mae or freddie mac prior to the current economic upheaval, mccain showed himself to be an arrogant prick. his continued cheap shots at obama and the democratic party combined with his veritable sucking up to moderator tom brokaw left me at a loss for words. my only comparison for him is a child in the school yard that calls his classmates names and picks fights, but only when he is just out of earshot of the teacher but in close enough proximity to guarantee that he cant get his ass whooped. i give barack all the credit in the world for not smacking that man in the face.

john mccain, you are an asshole.


Angela said...

You are ABSOLUTELY, without a doubt correct in your writings. Good job, friend. :)

J.R. said...

I agree with you 100%. I also want to add that previous to this Presidential race, Mccain was a decent politician who actually did put the concerns of our country first and was deemed as a liberal Republican; but ever since the last last Presidential election where he ran against his party rival George Bush and was slandered in every way, Mccain's decision making and motives are now in question. It seems as if he is desperate to attain the title of President by any means possible. Mr. Mccain seems to no longer make sound decisions, and I am weary with who is being manipulated by now...where does his true loyalty stand...with our country or with his party? This is why I question his intent and motive now. Obama may not be the best or well versed candidate, but he is for damn sure better than Mccain and his administration. Just imagine if that old fart was too catch a heart attack and die!...We'll be left with Sarah Palin as our President! OMG!