Tuesday, July 22, 2008

What women want...

Pt. 1

So I was picking out some fresh threads from "The Closet" for my latest fashion escapade and you know me I'm thinking European, you know 3/4 slide boots that come above the ankle, Italian tailored pants, and a snazzy black top to match the stereo profile on my billboard (The design on the back of my head). Then it happens, I come across an old photo album I've had for many years. This album contains pictures of every girl I've ever dated since the 7th grade, a record if I may, all my old flames sorted and filed for a time such as this one. In going down memory lane I was forced to examine that which lies deep in the recesses of our hearts... love. It caused me to want to address very common trends that men and women seem to be challenged with daily, a trend we should not follow but often find that it is all too familiar territory. I'm speaking to the good guys who finish last, the women who know what they want in love but often choose the alternative to their desires, the emotionally abused, the serial daters, the emotional introverts who can never express their love when needed; I'm talking to a society of complacency when it comes to love. Oh yes! The spirit is moving in me today people; Cupid whispered a song into my heart, and Venus a thought in my mind. I can't contain it, I won't, it must be preached, and I mean preached! There's time a mirror in "The Closet" and it's time to examine ourselves...

What women want...?

Ladies, my beautiful, authentic, well assorted, successful, backbones of civilization; my mothers, sisters, cousins etc., I love you all but oh how the confusion hangs over your heads! Not all but a good amount of you. After doing my homework (because I have to be careful not to talk out my ass on this one) I find that the perception of love and relationships are formed at the age of five. The perfect wedding, the perfect gown, the perfect husband, all seemingly fine when life is perfect. Too many times have I heard women express their desires when it comes to love. A man/women (I'm politically correct) to treat them right, to build with, to laugh with, to cry with, to take care of, or for the more submissive types, to take care of them. This is all fine and I agree, these are key components to a happy relationship after god lays the foundation (I'm a Christian remember?). You deserve it, you have earned that right (some of you), and so why is it that you find yourself in relationships that are far less than what you have asked? Or is it that it is not what you have asked but you have received? How do we know a good gift if it's wrapped? Beautiful wrapping, a nice ribbon stitched from cloth imported from India, simply marvelous. Then you open the box and you find that it is empty, the gift that you have been waiting for is nothing more than a hoax. Shaped, molded, and transformed, women know what they want, they know if they are going to sleep with a guy on sight, they know if a man will just be a friend from the first conversation, women are no fools, they know what they want.

What women settle for...?

If this does not pertain to you then by no means take offense! You ever notice that certain derogatory comments are now the latest fad? "My Nigga" is the new "My friend", "Bitch" is the new "Diva", whaaaaaat? A pretty girl walks down the street and a nice, well dressed, well versed man chooses to address her for nothing more than to let her know how blessed in beauty she is. He musters up the courage, steps forward, and says "Hello, I don't mean to bother you but I must say, you look ravishing", and yes some of us do talk like that. She stops, smiles, says "Thank you" and keeps it moving. Later she has a discussion with her friend about how nice this guy was and how she exchanged numbers with him, etc. We are not examining this woman, but we are examining the friend, just as beautiful, successful, but she is bitter. Her history of bad relationships stems from her non-existent father, who not only abused her love but the love of her mother. A string of disappointments have led her to become a serial dater, bouncing from one bad relationship to another. We all know how that goes... I've noticed that many women settle for the glitter without checking to see if it's gold. A man can say he loves you all day long but it is the action which speaks volumes. A good man strives on any level in his life; he has values, morals, and god more than he has excuses, complaints, and pitfalls. Yet because he can some how maneuver through a conversation, and bed (let's be real), his cash flow is right and is good looking, he prevails. Don't get me wrong, Fortune is no hater, I am ranked up with the best of them but I have to give insight. In part 2 we will examine this man... Everything I've stated makes sense right? So why allow yourselves to be degraded, down played, and deceived? Why cling to relationships for the sex? The money? The fact that you feel this is the only man that will ever love you? Why seek comfort in a person who chooses to use your love as a weapon rather than a tool for empowerment? Laziness? Or the fear of trying which is displayed in your whole life? Why do some women settle for a loveless, godless, and empty man? I am asking because it hurts to watch my sisters hurt for no reason other than the wrong decision. What are the criteria in which you base your judgment upon? I ask not because I want to know, I'm not choosing your mate, I ask because in order for you to empower yourself and begin a self-love healing process, you must vocalize that which is in need of change. Good men are not hard to find, we pass you by everyday like ships in the night. The problem is your staring at the yacht when your love could be a dingy...lol.

This is part one to a three part series for this topic. Ladies have no fear because the men will be placed on Front Street as well. Ask yourself these questions, answer them, and then share it with me so that I may spread it to others. This blog is not targeted towards anyone; it is an opinion, an observation as my other articles are. I only ask for your feedback, help to shed light on this topic... Speak on it...

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