Friday, October 31, 2008

All Hallows Eve...

I didnt realize today was Halloween until I left my home this morning, went into the bodega and saw tinkerbell and dorothy from the wizard of Oz lol....Halloween has never been my holiday of choice and in fact even as a child I never really got into it very much. However, there are thousands of young people as well as adults who celebrate and enjoy the festivities of all Hallows Eve...But how many actually know the history behind the date? Chek this out....

Chek dis out....Actually interesting.


BuzyGurl said...

i haven't seen the video. Will do during lunch . but you didnt know it was Halloween dude ? lol lol. That happened to me last year lol .

Anonymous said...

I like the idea that women can now be slutty (fill in the blank with any costume of your choosing) on Halloween. lol.